Get To Know Sarayh

CEDARS: What was it like when you were a kid?
Sarayh: My favorite childhood memory is that I grew up with a lot of neighborhood friends that I still get to speak to today.

CEDARS: How long have you worked at CEDARS?
Sarayh: A year and a half!

CEDARS: What do you currently do at CEDARS?
Sarayh: I visit clients, helping them work on their goals and expectations that must be met. Helping the clients get jobs and focus on their educational goals is highly important in a typical day of meeting with clients. It is fun getting to know the kids and helping them achieve success.

CEDARS: What keeps you coming to work each day?
Sarayh: Knowing that I am able to have a positive influence or attempt to motivate the youth I am serving.

CEDARS: How do your values play a role in your work?
Sarayh: In this line of work, teamwork is one of the most important values. Having coworkers I can count on, community partners that can communicate with and youth who can respect the help of our services.

CEDARS: What is your favorite part about your job?
Sarayh: That I can count on coworkers not only professionally but also as friends.

CEDARS: Tell us about a fun time in the office.
Sarayh: Every now and then we have our own “prank” wars on each other in the office. We rearrange each other’s office supplies, tell jokes, go have lunch all together, we try to keep things lighthearted and fun.

CEDARS: What do you like to do when you’re not at work?
Sarayh: I like to vacation, read books, and cook new recipes! It is all about trying new things and enjoying the good things in life.

CEDARS: Is there one particular client that you feel was significantly impacted at CEDARS?
Sarayh: I can think of a young person who was going through a rough time at home and felt she was not able to talk to her parents about any problems and would come to me. I helped bridge the gap with her parents so she was able to learn to rely on them as additional support.

CEDARS: What would you say to someone considering going into the type of work you do?
Sarayh: I would tell them they need to have compassion and patience for the youth in this community and a desire to help not only the youth but the families who need our services.  

CEDARS: What is something you want to make sure everyone knows about you or your work?
Sarayh: We don’t do it for the money. We do this kind of work because we truly care and want to make a positive difference for the youth who are at risk.