Kelly's Fostering Journey
Kelly has always loved kids. From a very young age, she knew she wanted to spend her life caring for them.
After years of raising four children of her own and running an in-home daycare, Kelly felt as though she had more love to give. That’s when she and her husband decided to become foster parents.
Kelly and her family quickly recognized the great need for foster homes. Just a couple weeks after becoming licensed, they welcomed Sidney and Jax, a sweet brother and sister, into their care.
Welcoming Sidney and Jax was definitely a challenge for Kelly’s family. They were both behind developmentally, and displayed behaviors that illustrated just how deep their trauma was. However, their presence also completely changed the family’s life for the better. They showed the immense impact a loving, stable environment can have on a child in need.
Sidney and Jax soon became a cherished part of the family and were included in every way. Kelly and her husband even got permission to bring them along on a family trip to Florida. They embarked on a road trip with all six kids to explore Universal Studios and have fun at the beach. Kelly recalls this as one of her favorite moments being a foster parent because she got to see the joy it brought to these kids who had never had an experience like this. She distinctively remembers Sidney’s reaction to driving into the amusement park.
“She burst into tears because she was so happy,” said Kelly.
Moments and memories like these encouraged the family to continue bringing more kids into their home. As they got more comfortable in their role as foster parents, they started welcoming kids with higher needs. Kelly said she leaned on CEDARS to navigate some of the kids’ behaviors. She talks about her foster care worker coming over at any hour to be a support for the child and the family. CEDARS helped Kelly and her family continue to be there for kids.
Today, Kelly has three children in her care. After years of fostering, her viewpoint on kids has completely shifted. She now sees past a child’s label of being ‘good’ or ‘bad’ and instead sees their behavior as a byproduct of their experiences. Her compassion has helped ensure every kid who comes into her care has the safety and freedom to just be a kid.
We are so thankful for Kelly, and foster parents like her, who do so much to be here for kids. You are truly making a difference.
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