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Sep 24, 2024

Staff Spotlight: Pete

Meet Pete, a foster care specialist at CEDARS Youth Services! 

Pete began his CEDARS journey over 15 years ago when someone connected to the organization encouraged him to apply. Since then, he has been diligent in his role of ensuring that the needs of the kids he cares for are being met, and that they’re in a safe and stable home. Most importantly, however, Pete is always the kids’ biggest champion. 

“I will listen to them, advocate for them, and do everything in my power to help them be successful,” said Pete. “The worst anyone can say is no. But you won’t know unless you ask.” 

His favorite part about working at CEDARS is the relationships he has built with the kids, his colleagues, and industry professionals.  

“What I like about CEDARS the most is that everyone has the same desire to help these kids. Across the board, everyone is in it for the right reason,” he said. “This job keeps me young, and I think of my team as my family. I don’t know how I’d make it through without them. On a daily basis, I’m blessed to be doing what I’m doing, and doing it around the people that I am. I’ve never had a better job.” 

Pete shared with us his favorite CEDARS memory, which occurred a few years into his role. He was assigned to help a youth named Leo who had run away from his home state with his dog, Marshall, and was now hours away from home in CEDARS care. Pete worked with Leo to help him purchase a bus pass to return home; however, pets were not allowed to be on the bus, and Leo had to be separated from his companion. He was understandably distraught about having to leave Marshall behind - so, Pete did what Pete does, and he encouraged Leo to continue his journey home with the promise that Marshall would arrive soon after. 

As Leo started his ride home on the bus, Pete began making phone calls and setting up arrangements, purchasing a pet plane ticket for the following morning. Marshall came home with Pete that evening, and because his family already had several pets of their own living in the house, the pair camped out in the backyard together. The next morning, Pete arrived at the airport at the crack of dawn to ensure that Marshall made it on time for the flight. 

Marshall and Leo were reunited later that day. And ever since then, Leo calls Pete every holiday season to thank him for his help and let him know how he and Marshall are doing. 

Pete has been married to his wife for 35 years; in that time, they’ve adopted five kids and are preparing to provide guardianship for another child. Additionally, they’ve served as foster parents for over 20 years and have welcomed so many children into their home, providing love and care to every kid that has walked through their door. In his free time, Pete loves to hang out with his family, play catch and ride bikes with their kids, and keep up with sports – especially the Huskers. He’s also one of the best Fortnite players around (thanks to his son!). 

A fun fact about Pete is that he has worn a Team Jack shirt every day since June 20, 2013. He said, “It reminds myself and others what kids like Jack Hoffman go through on a daily basis. I’ve worked to raise money and awareness for pediatric brain cancer, and I’m very passionate about this work.” 

Thank you, Pete, for being a part of our team and always being here for kids!

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