Building for the Future

Photo of grandma and granddaughter of Asian descent hugging on a sunny day against a backdrop of trees.

CEDARS impact shapes generations. Will you help build the future at CEDARS? Here are five easy ways you can ensure that CEDARS is here for tomorrow’s kids and families:

  1.           Include a bequest to CEDARS in your will.

  2.           Give to CEDARS through a donation of stock.

  3.           Support kids and families who need it most through your IRA distribution.

  4.           Designate CEDARS using your Donor Advised Funds.

  5.           Donate property to CEDARS.

To help you on your journey of building the future at CEDARS, you can access a variety of planned giving resources at, including:

  •          A free personal estate planning kit.

  •           Sample language for your will.

  •           Frequently asked questions about planned giving.

  •           A free, no-obligation tool to find the charitable gift that’s right for you.

Are you interested in discussing how you can impact the future for vulnerable kids and families? Contact Nancey Bernhardson at or 402-437-8952. Read more about Nancey down below!

Nancey Bernhardson joined CEDARS Home for Children Foundation as the Director of Major Gifts in April of 2023. She was drawn to CEDARS because she was seeking to do meaningful work with a dedicated team of professionals whose values matched her own.

“Connecting the passion of our donors to CEDARS projects and programs is a part of my work that I greatly enjoy. Creating or expanding that partnership results in a CEDARS that is here for kids and families for years to come. Together, we can continue the legacy of support for the most vulnerable.”

-Nancey Bernhardson

Nancey recently planned her own estate because she knows that end of life issues can be difficult for families. “Knowing my wishes and having a plan means that my family can focus on being there for each other,” said Nancey. Call Nancey at 402-437-8952 to learn more about creating your own planned giving portfolio.