What I Want You To Know About Me

We asked youth at the Youth Opportunity Center what they wanted you to know about them. Here are their answers.


Vanessa: “Being homeless allows you to learn and grow from your mistakes.”

Vanessa believes experiencing homelessness is an opportunity for her to reflect on becoming a better version of herself. She puts aside negative thoughts and focuses on the good in her life.


Tiffany: “Just because I’m homeless, it doesn’t make me any less of a person than you.”

Tiffany is a firm believer in spreading positivity. She always has a positive attitude and encourages other youth to believe in their own potential. Her living situation doesn’t define her and she doesn’t let it slow her down.


Reese: “Being homeless isn’t my fault. You can’t really control what life wants to do with you when you’re a minor.”

The series of events that led to Reese’s living situation may have been beyond his control, but he’s learning the choices he makes now can affect his future. He hopes no one looks down on him based on his living situation but instead can see his potential.