Star Volunteer Judy Halstead

Judy Halstead holding her Hometown Heroes award with CEDARS President Jim Blue

Recently, our friends at Modern Woodmen of America honored CEDARS volunteer and board member, Judy Halstead, with the Hometown Heroes Award! This award recognizes individuals who have provided outstanding volunteer service to their local community. 

Judy first started volunteering in the toddler classroom of our Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC) in Spring 2019. As a classroom helper, Judy plays with the kids, reads to them, and helps with class activities and outings. In addition to mentoring the toddlers at our ECDC, Judy currently serves as the volunteer President of CEDARS Youth Services Board of Directors. Her dedication to the kids - and our organization - are invaluable to all of us at CEDARS. 

Judy says that the highlight of her volunteer work is watching children in the toddler classroom learn. She says, “They are like little sponges, soaking up everything they can learn every day! They develop language, fine motor, gross motor, and problem-solving skills. It’s so fun to see their progress.” 

We are grateful to experience Judy’s dedication and passion to serving her community! 

CEDARS Early Childhood Development Center provides kids ages 6 weeks to 6 years with early and ongoing developmental opportunities in an inclusive and diverse environment to help them become better learners. Our classrooms are led by educated and experienced teachers and focus on social and emotional development so kids can go on to be successful in school. CEDARS ECDC is accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA) and offers the benefit of an early childhood and family therapist. 

Thank you, Judy!

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