Staff Spotlight: Lynette

A woman with dark hair and a black shirt smiling at the camera.

Meet Lynette, a Lead Child Specialist at our Hartley Community Learning Center!  

Lynette began her CEDARS journey as a substitute teacher for our Early Childhood Development Center and Clinton CLC programs. Then, after spending a year as a Child Specialist at our Hartley CLC, she was promoted to Lead Child Specialist and has since been enjoying the fun and learning it brings.  

“Stepping into my new role brought a wave of exciting opportunities and responsibilities, including creating dynamic and engaging activities to fit our students’ needs,” Lynette shared. “But it’s not just about the lesson plans; it’s about the connections I’ve built along the way. From supporting parents and teachers to collaborating with our fantastic staff, I’ve formed meaningful relationships that I can take pride in.”  

Lynette loves being someone who the students can count on every day to deliver positivity, safety, and support. She enjoys discovering new things about her students and witnessing their emotional growth. In addition, Lynette values the connections she makes with Spanish-speaking parents, ensuring they feel valued and included in our community. 

“Each day brings new challenges and accomplishments and I’ve cherished every single moment.” 

In her role, Lynette has experienced a range of exciting and memorable experiences, but the one that really sticks out to her is the CLC Art Showcase. “After pouring months of hard work into preparing for that moment, seeing parents and students admiring their displayed artwork was memorable. It’s moments like these that remind me why I love what I do,” said Lynette. 

Aside from her work at CEDARS, Lynette takes pride in her roles as a wife and mother to her and her husband’s two-year-old. She says her family brings her immense joy and pride, and they’re at the core of everything she does. In her free time, Lynette likes to work out or dive into her passion for music that she also shares with her husband. Her musical interest began in her childhood as a member of the worship team at her parents’ church, where she was also a kids’ Sunday school teacher. The experience instilled in Lynette a love for music and creating fun activities, but also a commitment to teamwork, discipline, and creativity. 

Thank you, Lynette, for being so dedicated to the kids we serve!